Bilingual, Dual Language & ESL

About The Dual Language Program
Bilingual Program Design
Bilingual education is a required program that allows for academic instruction in the student's primary language, while simultaneously emphasizing a carefully structured development of the English language and abilities to function successfully in English. The amount of instruction in each language shall be commensurate with the students' linguistic proficiency and academic potential in both languages.
At Faith Family Academy, FFA, bilingual instruction is equal to understandable instruction. Students shall receive primary language instruction on grade level to master the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Students are expected to perform at the same level of their English-speaking peers. ESL instruction must occur daily in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students acquire a second language in stages and as a student progresses in the acquisition of English, the level of difficulty in the ESL instruction is increased.
Faith Family Academy has two models of bilingual education. The One-Way Dual Language model is for English learners only. Students are simultaneously learning English and Spanish in grades PK-5. By grade 2, instruction is delivered 50% of the time in each language.
The Two-Way Dual Language model is for students who are English only speakers and English learners (Spanish speakers). English speakers are assigned to an English teacher and the English learners are assigned to a Spanish teacher. Throughout the day, the two classes are grouped into two mixed classes. The students will rotate from English instruction to Spanish instruction daily.ESL Program Design
The English as a Second Language (ESL) program is an intensive program designed to develop a English Language Learners proficiency in the listening, speaking, reading, and writing of the English language. The ESL program integrates the English Language Proficiency Standards, ELPS, at all levels.
Language Arts and Reading classes for ELL students at the secondary level are sheltered and ESL methods are used to ensure ample opportunities for second language learning. Content area courses that require higher levels of linguistic competence are also sheltered, and ESL strategies are used. The content instruction that students receive is parallel to that of their English-speaking peers. As students progress in the ESL, classes they enroll in are linguistically accommodated classes at the high school level for acceleration of mastery of the TEKS.