Signature Programs: Innovating Education

Bilingual, Dual Language, & ESL

About The Dual Language Program

Bilingual Program Design

Bilingual education is a required program that allows for academic instruction in the student's primary language, while simultaneously emphasizing a carefully structured development of the English language and abilities to function successfully in English. The amount of instruction in each language shall be commensurate with the students' linguistic proficiency and academic potential in both languages.

At Faith Family Academy, FFA, bilingual instruction is equal to understandable instruction. Students shall receive primary language instruction on grade level to master the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Students are expected to perform at the same level of their English-speaking peers. ESL instruction must occur daily in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students acquire a second language in stages and as a student progresses in the acquisition of English, the level of difficulty in the ESL instruction is increased.

Faith Family Academy has two models of bilingual education. The One-Way Dual Language model is for English learners only. Students are simultaneously learning English and Spanish in grades PK-5. By grade 2, instruction is delivered 50% of the time in each language.

The Two-Way Dual Language model is for students who are English only speakers and English learners (Spanish speakers). English speakers are assigned to an English teacher and the English learners are assigned to a Spanish teacher. Throughout the day, the two classes are grouped into two mixed classes. The students will rotate from English instruction to Spanish instruction daily.

ESL Program Design

The English as a Second Language (ESL) program is an intensive program designed to develop a English Language Learners proficiency in the listening, speaking, reading, and writing of the English language. The ESL program integrates the English Language Proficiency Standards, ELPS, at all levels.

Language Arts and Reading classes for ELL students at the secondary level are sheltered and ESL methods are used to ensure ample opportunities for second language learning. Content area courses that require higher levels of linguistic competence are also sheltered, and ESL strategies are used. The content instruction that students receive is parallel to that of their English-speaking peers. As students progress in the ESL, classes they enroll in are linguistically accommodated classes at the high school level for acceleration of mastery of the TEKS.

5.5.2 BIL/ESL Policies

Every student who has a home language other than English and who is identified as having limited English proficiency (LEP) shall be provided a full opportunity to participate in a bilingual education or English as a second language (ESL) program

FFA shall:

  1. Identify LEP students based on criteria established by the State;
  2. Provide bilingual education and ESL programs, as integral parts of the regular program;
  3. Seek certified teaching personnel to ensure that LEP students are afforded full opportunity to master the essential knowledge and skills; and
  4. Assess achievement for essential knowledge and skills in accordance with Education Code chapter 39 to ensure accountability for LEP students and the schools that serve them. Identification

Within the first four weeks of the first day of school, the language proficiency assessment committee (LPAC) shall determine and report to the Board the number of LEP students on each campus and shall classify each student according to the language in which the student possesses primary proficiency. The Board shall report that information to TEA before November 1 each year. LPAC Membership

The LPAC shall include:

1. An appropriately certified bilingual educator;

2. An appropriately certified transitional language educator;

3. A parent of a LEP student who is not an employee of FFA; and

4. A campus administrator.

FFA may add other members to the LPAC in any of the required categories. If FFA does not have an individual in one or more of the required membership categories, it shall designate another professional staff member to serve on the LPAC. In grade levels at which FFA is not required to provide a bilingual education program, the LPAC shall be composed of one or more professional personnel and the parent of an LEP student designated by the School.

All members of the LPAC, including parents, shall observe all laws and rules governing confidentiality of information concerning individual students, including Section 8 of this policy. FFA shall be responsible for the orientation and training of all members of the LPAC. Home Language Survey

Within four weeks of each student’s enrollment, FFA shall conduct a home language survey to determine the language normally used in the home and the language normally used by the student. The home language survey shall be conducted in English and in the home language, and signed by the student’s parents if the student is in kindergarten through grade 8, or by the student if the student is in grades 9 through 12. The original copy of the survey shall be retained in the student’s permanent record. If a student is identified through the home language survey as normally speaking a language other than English, the student shall be tested in accordance with 19 TAC § 89.1225 or, for students with disabilities, 19 TAC § 89.1230. LEP Classification

The LPAC may classify a student as LEP if:

  1. The student’s ability in English is so limited or the student’s disabilities are so severe that assessment procedures cannot be administered;
  2. The student’s score or relative degree of achievement on the TEA-approved English proficiency test is below the levels established by TEA as indicative of reasonable proficiency;
  3. The student’s primary language proficiency score as measured by a TEA-approved test is greater than the student’s proficiency in English; or
  4. The LPAC determines, based on other information, including a teacher evaluation, parental viewpoint, or student interview, that the student’s primary language proficiency is greater than the student’s proficiency in English or that the student is not reasonably proficient in English.

Tex. Educ. Code § 29.056(c) Parental Notice and Consent

Within ten days of the LPAC Committee’s classification of a student as LEP, the LPAC shall give written notice to the student’s parent. The notice must be in English and in the parent’s primary language. The notice shall inform the parents of the benefits of the program for which the student is recommended and that it is an integral part of the school program. Pending parent approval, the School shall place the student in the recommended program, but may count only those students with parent approval for bilingual education allotment. Participation of Non-LEP Students

With the approval of the School and a student’s parent(s), a student who is not LEP may also participate in a bilingual education program. The number of participating students who are not LEP may not exceed 40 percent of the number of students enrolled in the program. Students with Disabilities

FFA shall implement assessment procedures that differentiate between language proficiency and disabling conditions in accordance with 19 TAC, Chapter 89, Subchapter AA. The district shall establish placement procedures that ensure that placement in a bilingual education or ESL program is not refused solely because the student has a disability. LPAC members shall meet in conjunction with admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee members to review and provide recommendations about the education needs of each English learner who qualifies for services in the special education program. 19 TAC § 89.1230 Bilingual and ESL Programs

Each district with an enrollment of 20 or more LEP students in any language classification in the same grade shall offer a bilingual education or special language program, as follows:

  1. Kindergarten through elementary grades: bilingual education.
  2. Post-elementary through grade 8: bilingual education, ESL, or other transitional language instruction approved by TEA.
  3. Grades 9 through 12: ESL. Exceptions and Waivers

The district shall comply with the requirements for bilingual education exceptions and ESL waivers under 19 TAC § 89.1207. Tex. Educ. Code § 29.054; 19 TAC § 89.1207

A district that is unable to employ a sufficient number of teachers, including part-time teachers, who meet the certification requirements for bilingual education and ESL program shall apply for an exception or waiver to the certification requirement on or before November 1. 19 TAC § 89.1245(b) Program Content

The FFA bilingual education program shall be a full-time program of dual-language instruction that provides for learning basic skills in the primary language of the students enrolled in the program and for carefully structured and sequenced mastery of English language skills.

An ESL program shall be an intensive program of instruction in English from teachers trained in recognizing and dealing with language differences. The bilingual or ESL program shall be designed to consider the students’ learning experiences and shall incorporate the cultural aspects of the students’ backgrounds.

Students enrolled in the bilingual or ESL programs shall be placed in classes with other students of approximately the same age and level of educational attainment. FFA shall ensure that each student’s instruction is appropriate to the student’s level of educational attainment, and the School shall keep adequate records of the educational level and progress of each student enrolled in the program.

LEP students shall participate fully with English-speaking students in regular classes provided in subjects such as art, music, and physical education. FFA shall provide students enrolled in the bilingual or ESL program a meaningful opportunity to participate fully with other students in all extracurricular activities. Elective courses may be taught in a language other than English.