Payroll Forms & Resources
Below is the payroll calendar for the current employment and school year.
2018-2019 Monthly Pay Calendar
FFA employees enjoy the convenience of having their paychecks automatically deposited directly into a bank acount of their choice. If you need to make changes to your direct deposit bank account information, download and complete the form below and return to the Payroll Office (scan to .pdf OR intracampus mail).
Direct Deposit Authorization Form
Direct Deposit/EFT Authorization Form for Multiple Accounts
The Form W-4 tells what percent of your salary you wish for the district to withhold from your paychecks for Federal Taxes. If you have had any changes in your family life (divorce, marriage, birth, etc.) you will want to complete a new Form W-4; please, print, complete and sign page 1 of the following form and send the completed Form W-4 to the Payroll Office (scan to .pdf OR intracampus mail).
2019 Form W-4